Training Report: The Republic of Armenia and International Criminal Prosecution

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Between 12 and 15 March 2024, the Nuremberg Academy team organised training sessions for investigators and prosecutors in Armenia, alongside hosting several meetings and events with various stakeholders in the capital of Yerevan.

On the first day, Director Professor Dr Christoph Safferling discussed the fundamentals of international criminal law, particularly focusing on the crime of genocide, while Senior Officer Kiran Menon delved into the components of crimes against humanity and war crimes.

The second day was led by Philip Trewhitt, Executive Director of the Institute for International Criminal Investigations, who concentrated on the investigation of international crimes and facilitated a case study on investigative techniques.

On the third day, OTP-ICC Trial Lawyer Alexis Demirdjian, conducted a training session on the OTP’s framework, stressing the importance of collaboration with national authorities. Additionally, case studies were conducted with the participants.

For more detailed information on this milestone event as well as photos thereof, please view the official report of the International Nuremberg Principles Academy accessible here.