The database “International Criminal Law in Germany” (or, in German: “Völkerstrafrecht in Deutschland”) is the first case law database in which all decisions of German courts on violations of the German International Criminal Code (VStGB) are systematically listed and can be searched by parameter. At the same time, the database is the only research option for English-speaking users who want to find out about German case law. The summarised case information sheets make it possible for the first time for foreign-language users to understand the decisions and possibly strengthen the external impact of German case law across national borders. Similar to the database of the International Criminal Court or the Special Tribunals, the database now offers researchers and interested parties from all disciplines a research basis for German case law on issues of international criminal law.

The “Universal Jurisdiction in Germany (UnJur)” project has set itself the goal of systematising all decisions from Germany relating to international criminal law since the Bosnian war in a digital database and making them available according to cases, regions and topics.

The project was carried out by employees of the International Criminal Law Research Unit (ICLU) in cooperation with the International Nuremberg Principles Academy and kindly funded by the Federal Ministry of Justice.


The Federal Minister of Justice Dr. Marco Buschmann and Professor Christoph Safferling at the opening ceremony of the Case Law Database in Berlin.




The Project Coordinators' visit in Berlin (from the right: Prof Dr Christoph Safferling, Alena Gallmetzer, Luisa Hartmann and Kris Bühler)

The Project Coordinators’ visit in Berlin (from the right: Prof Dr Christoph Safferling, Alena Gallmetzer, Luisa Hartmann and Kris Bühler)