Tabea Seum

Tabea Seum

Chair for Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, International Criminal Law and Public International Law

Room: Room JDC 0.152
Schillerstraße 1
91054 Erlangen

2004 – 2013 Wolfgang-Ernst-Gymnasium Büdingen and Brookswood Secondary School in Langley
2013 Abitur (A-levels)
2013 – 2014 Voluntary year of social service
2014 – 2020 Law studies at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2020 First State Examination in Law
2020 – 2022 Internship at the Higher Regional Court of Bamberg
2020 – 2022 Research assistant at Dean of Studies Office of the Faculty of Law at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
2022 Second State Examination in Law
Since April 2023 Research assistant at the Chair for Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, International Criminal Law and Public International Law in cooperation with ICLU – Professor Dr. Christoph Safferling LL.M. (LSE)

Oktay B./Seum T., Babygiftgläschen-Fall (Der Fall des Monats im Strafrecht – Online-Zeitschrift), famos 2019